Yulia Zorina

Yulia Zorina

Yulia Zorina, was born in Moscow, Russia. She started to paint since she was 2 years old with the close guiding and support of her mother, also an artist. She joined the Moscow Academy from the age of 10. She has been an art lover for as long as she can remember especially that painting runs in the veins of her family. The love to paint and create wonderful sceneries on the piece of paper and later on canvas, following her natural taste and inspiration remained always with her, as well as her passion for art history. She moved to Belgium in 2010 and she took her chance to learn and discover the art of the Old Masters from the 17th-18th and 19th centuries in close such as Vermeer, Ruisdael, Koekkoek, Vernet and Aivazovsky, living on the land where the great artists were born and created their masterpieces. Being in Belgium she never stopped growing her skills and for that purpose to continue to grow she also joined the Art Academy of Antwerp.

That was the unique chance to combine her passion for history and old art in her own works and since then her style was born – reproducing and creating copies of the Old Masters which became her specialty. She was always focused on studying and discovering the way they used the colour combinations, the way how they could play with light and dark shadows combining with sudden bright accents, the way they created the softness of the sky and deepness of the water. Discovering their deep knowledge of nature and extremely high skills in painting realistically and detailed, without any help of modern technology and electronics, makes us even after 300-400 years still admire and fascinate by their masterpieces. This is an amazing experience in her life and there is no doubt for her that this is what she was always meant to do. She is so grateful to wake up every morning, happy of doing what she loves.

If the Old School paintings are your passion, you can see here in her works the way to combine the beauty of the art history with the present time, in these nostalgy paintings made with oil on canvases.